Thursday, July 17, 2008

Harrison Quotes

Right now, before bed, Harrison is telling me all the things he can do when he's big, a kick he's been on recently. "Play marble track." (He can do this now, as well as, "Eat grilled cheese!") "I'll have to use your computer. I'll make you coffee."

I don't know about using my computer, but I'm really looking forward to the coffee thing. I love that the boys are both big enough to do things like let the dogs in and out, or hand me the phone. Yes, I'm lazy.

And, a great Harrison quote from yesterday:

As I made the boys their breakfast (GFCF cereal with almond milk, so "making breakfast" is a stretch), I said, "Here are two bowls of cereal for my two beautiful boys!" Harrison said, "We're not too beautiful, Mommy. We're just a little beautiful."

I just had to write that down before I forgot it!


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