Monday, March 03, 2008

My Town is Smokin'

Well, part of it anyway. This happened here today. We're not anywhere near this development, which is several miles north of where we live, but it's still scary, as I can look at my window and see two "McMansions" being built up the street from our house. What's to stop these crazy bioterrorists from hitting those houses next?

The whole "Earth Liberation Front" idea is stupid. Guess what, ELFs? You're terrorists. Burning down houses to protest their being built doesn't solve anything. They'll just be re-built with the insurance money, and the amount of carbon monoxide you sent up by torching these homes, not to mention the natural materials wasted, which will just be replaced with more materials later, isn't contributing to saving the Earth in any way. It's destroying the Earth.

Sigh. Time to go do something constructive.


I'm back. Hubby and I talked more about this, and he had an interesting theory. He pointed out that considering how long these homes have been on the market, (and how poor the housing market is now) it almost seems logical for the builders to have hired arsonists to set these homes on fire. They get the insurance money, and perhaps invest it in something a bit more practical than nearly two million dollar spec homes that aren't exactly selling. Hmm. Hubby is a bit more cynical than even I am!


Kim Rossi Stagliano said...

"Uncle Vinnie!! Were you OUT WEST THIS WEEK?????"


I thought the same thing. Burn 'em down and make it look like ELF.


Alijah Fitt said...

Jewish Lightning with a perfect Scapegoat, I believe it.

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