Sunday, May 27, 2007

Funniest Typo Ever

Or, at least, the funniest I've seen today!

Reading posts on one of the many Yahoo groups I frequent, I saw this:
"I would much prefer to wake up each morning by the genital sunlight..."

After LOL'ing (laughing out loud for those of you who like to speak and read in non-abbreviated terms), I have to disagree. I like to wake up in any way that doesn't involve another being waking me. For instance, no toddler running in the room crying that he's hurt himself (meaning, his older brother hurt him, but he hasn't figured out to say, "Hutton hurt me!" instead of, "I hurt myself!") or an older son coming in announcing, "Breakfast for you, please!" (Meaning, "I want breakfast!" not, sadly, "I'm bringing you breakfast in bed momentarily.")

And I'd have to include being awoken by "genital sunlight" as someone else waking me. Though, I suppose if I were to fall asleep nude AND with the curtains open, it's possible some sunlight could bounce off my own genital region and wake me.

Now, waking to "gentle sunlight" is OK, but around here in the Pacific Northwest, the gentle sunlight comes earlier every day once the summer comes, and waking to sunlight, gentle, genital, or otherwise, before 5 a.m. just sucks. (No genitals involved in this case.)


Anonymous said...

Is THAT what my hubby means when he pokes me awake and says "Good morning, Sunshine!"???? As long as he doesn't stick it where the sun doesn't shine.... Which brings me to the appropriate word verL HA OOH!

Too much, Lawrer, Genital Sunshine. Sounds like a douche ad. "Do you have Genital sunshine?"

Schmoop said...

Great Balls O' Fire!!

Maddy said...

Yes, makes me long for the thick, dense curtains of home!

kristi said...

HA! I was wondering what that typo meant! Genital instead of gentle.

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