Saturday, March 18, 2006

This is funny...and sad!

Wednesday night, I was sitting down to watch a little TV, and saw that TiVo had recorded the South Park episode, "Trapped in the Closet." I was excited, as I knew it was the Tom Cruise/Scientology episode, so I hit play. And...lo and behold, it was NOT the aforementioned episode. It was a really old rerun, from back when I watched South Park religiously. (That's an interesting choice of words, considering the episode.)

The rerun was about the Chef benefit show the boys were getting together. I was a bit confused. Didn't Isaac Hayes just quit South Park, because as a Scientologist, he was offended by the "Trapped in the Closet" episode? Why the big tribute to his character, Chef?

Then I saw this this morning:

Tom Cruise, you need to get a sense of humor! Maybe when your spawn is extracted from its host, you'll be a kinder, gentler human (you are human, right?).


Unknown said...

Oh MY GOD!! I had no idea that Hayes quit because he was a Scientologist! You know, I hate cults and all, but Scientologists... You have given me perfect inspiration for my Tuesday entry for Instruments of the Apocalypse. Thank you!!

Kristen said...

Wow, that episode would have been hilarious, too. I can't believe it got yanked at the last minute. What a weird "religion" - if you can call it that.

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