Thursday, June 28, 2007

Get the Lead Out!

Hmm. Actually, hunters, go ahead and keep it in, if you're using the gun on yourselves, that is.

I was listening to NPR this afternoon on the way home from Toys R Us with the boys (note to other parents: don't go to Toys R Us before lunchtime with a three-year-old who will refuse to leave until he is hungry and cranky. Then again, if you do, he may pass out in the car on the way home!) when this story came on.

Basically, it is about how condors are still endangered because of lead poisoning, from eating carcasses that had been shot with lead ammo. Hunters go out shooting things with toxic ammunition, and the "gut piles" (carcasses hunters leave behind) that the condors eat are poisoned with lead.

There was an NRA cuntspokesperson on talking about how there was no proof that the lead ammo was responsible for hurting anything, so they weren't doing anything about the lead issue, but to that I say a big, "DUH!" Rather, I yell at the radio about stupid bitches who should be shot, as I wonder how anyone can deny that lead is toxic. Oh sure, it's toxic in paint, but really, it's perfectly fine to use in your ammo when you go out killing Bambi's family, and leave their poisoned carcasses behind to kill endangered species. Fortunately, they had a decent human being on after the evil cunt who said when he heard that ammo had lead in it, he started buying lead-free steel ammo, and it seemed to work just as well, if not better, than the toxic stuff.

I just don't understand how in this day and age people still don't understanding that fucking up the planet with toxic materials just because it's "what we've always done" is wrong. Yes, this goes for mercury as well. Just because it's been used since the beginning in vaccines, doesn't make it safe to use it today, now that we know mercury is a potent neurotoxin! The same goes for putting it in your teeth via "silver" amalgam fillings. And while we're at it, why are they using mercury in compact fluorescent lights? GAIOIGOIURT! This stuff makes me so freaking angry. The environmentalists are all so excited about saving electricity with these things, but if one breaks in your home, you have a biohazard on your hands. Not to mention nobody is going to properly dispose of these toxin-filled shitshards when they eventually burn out. Right now, you have to pay to recycle them at select stores (there's one light store in the area I live in that takes them). Yeah, that's going to go over well. Most people do not know that these shouldn't go straight in the garbage, and that's exactly where they'll end up, ensuring the future destruction of our already toxic world.

Sigh. Where's my gun?


Mom without a manual said...

I was one of those people who recycled when it was convenient but didn't get all caught up in the moral of it.

Then my son got autism. Okay, they can debate the environmental trigger stuff it until the end of time (which might be sooner than later) but it still has been eye opening for me. No matter how you lean on that discussion you can't disagree that we have really trashed our planet!

It is kind of sad how the moral was that we should preserve nature so it is there for our children. Then we go and ruin the environment and have make our children sick in the process. Karma!

Alijah Fitt said...

I am one of those dumb heads who thought those compact mini fluorescent bulbs were supposed to be good for us (yeah, just like those vaccines are given to protect your babies' health). Now I just keep them in a bag in the basement. A newsletter went around to my email within a week of buying them. Now, think of all the millions of people not on my email list who still think those poison bulbs are better. We are freakin doomed, when you find it, shoot me.

Unknown said...

That is absolutely infuriating about the lead ammo! I have always been for gun rights, but I would NEVER join the NRA specifically because they always prove themselves to be massive dickholes.

As for the compact fluorescents, I agree with you completely. And really, I don't know why people buy them because even without the environmental hazard, the light they give off SUCKS ASS. I hate them. Incandescents have gotten more and more efficient, and LED lights are becoming more popular as well.

AshleyLeo said...

pretty rivoting about the guns. And depressing. What comes around stays around and goes around.

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