Saturday, June 24, 2006

I Should Be in Bed

But I'm reading magazines and reading stuff online, flitting back and forth between the two. Maybe I have ADHD? Hmm. Now what am I going to do when Harrison wakes up in 4 or 5 hours? Curse under my breath and trip downstairs, I suppose.

When I left the house this morning to go to the gym, Hutton had turned on the TV to watch Toy Story. Not so weird for a 4 year old, is it? How about when he had switched the audio to French? That's pretty funny. And the French guy singing the theme was no Randy Newman, let me tell you.

Back to my New York Magazine. Gotta love the free magazines Hubby gets with his unused airline miles. Yes, I can pretend to be up-to-date and cosmopolitan by having fancy magazines like this and Travel and Leisure sitting around my house.


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